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Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Module

A convenient tool to help you compare your own reimbursement schedule and review claims with greater efficiency and confidence.

Access the Resource-Based Relative Value Scale (RBRVS) with ease using our Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Module. Compare reimbursement schedules and review claims efficiently.

Key Benefits:

  • Stay current with Medicare physician reimbursement rates
  • Easy comparisons to other fee schedules
  • Increased confidence in claims review

The Medicare Physician Fee Schedule module serves organizations that need Medicare physician reimbursement information and allows for easy comparisons to other fee schedules.

RBRVS is a dynamic system that requires periodic updates due to ongoing changes of the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) codes, technology, medical practice, and other factors. RefMed monitors the website for updates and our module helps you stay current and save time as you set up your own fee schedules and confirm your reimbursement amounts to Medicare.

Standard and Gap-Fill Versions:

The RefMed Medicare Physician Fee Schedule module is available in annual or quarterly updates and in Standard or Gap-fill versions.

  1. Standard Option: Provides geographically adjusted fee schedule amounts for RBRVS-valued procedures, plus:
  • Zip code crosswalks to carrier and locality (based on closest three-, five- or nine-digit zip codes), thus allowing Medicare carrier and locality to be easily accessed
  • Includes Relative Value Units (RVUs), Geographic Practice Cost Indices (GPCIs), and National Conversion Factor
  1. Gap-fill Option: Similar to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, plus
  • Proprietary values for services without RBRVS values using information from other CMS data files and our own proprietary values to develop a relative value.
State Fee Schedule Plus Module

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